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Retire With Integrity Podcast with Brian Bowen

Jan 28, 2021

Do you know all there is to know about annuities? What about how much you’ll need in retirement?


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What we discuss on this episode: 

0:15 - What’s a good guaranteed monthly income in...

Jan 7, 2021

We all know taxes are inevitable, but what we don’t know is how much taxes will be in the future. Is your retirement plan set accordingly? We’ll discuss an interesting tax proposal that came up recently.


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Dec 17, 2020

Since we won’t know if the Republicans or Democrats will control the house until January, does that change how we strategize around taxes at the end of this year? President-elect Biden has already said he will raise taxes, so plan accordingly. What do you need to keep in mind now? Do you have a tax strategy?



Nov 24, 2020

As we near the end of the year, what do you need to make sure to take care of? From Roth conversions to estate planning, Brian talks about the ways these things can work to your benefit.


Read more and get additional financial resources here:

Nov 5, 2020

When it comes to saving for retirement, it’s usually not about inheriting one big lump sum. Instead, are you working hard and storing up little wins?


Read more and get additional financial resources here: 


What we discuss on this show: 

0:16 - If coronavirus...