Oct 27, 2022
No one likes to talk about a budget, but is it wise to start one before going on a fixed income in retirement? Brian talks about what a budget or a spending plan can look like and why it matters. From investing choices to small business decisions, Brian answers three questions on today’s show.
Here are the scenarios...
Oct 20, 2022
Is this common or rare? We go through five scenarios that may happen throughout your financial life.
Brian shares how often he sees these situations occur among his clients and how he helps people navigate through them. You may be surprised by some of his answers!
Here are the scenarios we discuss on...
Oct 13, 2022
What kind of retirement catastrophe can happen if you don’t plan? Right now, inflation is hitting hard, but that can often get overlooked. What other kind of hidden costs could you face? Getting sound advice on the whole picture could save you in the long-run. Later in the show, Brian answers three questions from...
Oct 6, 2022
What can we learn about retirement from Jerry Seinfeld? We will review some Seinfeld quotes and consider how they apply to your finances. Let’s also talk about your most significant financial assets. Are you leveraging these assets or overlooking them?
Today's show schedule: