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Retire With Integrity Podcast with Brian Bowen

Dec 30, 2020

So many people have lost income in 2020 due to the pandemic. Depending on what industry you’re in, this might have been a really bad year or a better financial year than usual. Investing consultant Tim Steffan tells Morningstar to look at this as a potential opportunity. What opportunities do you have right now that...

Dec 23, 2020

The idea of being a millionaire carries a bit of appeal. But in reality, how long does a million dollars last in retirement? We'll discuss today.


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What we discuss on this show: 

0:16 - How...

Dec 17, 2020

Since we won’t know if the Republicans or Democrats will control the house until January, does that change how we strategize around taxes at the end of this year? President-elect Biden has already said he will raise taxes, so plan accordingly. What do you need to keep in mind now? Do you have a tax strategy?



Dec 10, 2020

Do you get sticker shock when it comes to advisor fees? What fees are you otherwise paying with mutual funds? Let’s talk about the common fees you’ll find associated with retirement accounts.


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Dec 3, 2020

Do you have a legacy plan? Does your financial plan include an estate plan? How can you protect and provide for future generations?


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What we discuss on this show:

0:16 - Are you worried about...