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Retire With Integrity Podcast with Brian Bowen

Aug 25, 2023

Oh there's a lot to get through in this episode.  Brian and Brett talk about the guy who was behind the movie The Big Short and his predictions for the economy .  Also, the current state of the real estate market and what the means for us in retirement as well as how important is a perfect credit score of 850, really? ...

Aug 17, 2023

In this episode Brian and Brett talk about market fears and if those afraid to stay in the market find gold to be the answer.  Also, how big is the credit card debt in our country? Brian talks about how big it really is and how this happened. A long time company goes bankrupt and what that could mean to all of us. Plus,...

Aug 10, 2023

Thios week Brian & Brett discuss everything from the hazards of pickleball to truly understanding what you have financially.  Brian discusses how to best plan for retirement now that we as a group are living longer.  Also, understanding financial risk and how far are you willing to go with it.  Do you truly understand...

Aug 2, 2023

In this episode, Brian and Brett talk about a lot of things concerning your retirement.  They discuss a strategy known as the "do nothing portfolio" and whether that's a good idea or not.  Also the perils of not having an estate plan in place as well as what are the top 10 worst states to live in?  FInd out why in this...